Soal Uts Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

2020. 2. 9. 19:03카테고리 없음

Guru Wali kelas 6 SD/MI yang butuh soal UTS semester 2 silahkan dibawah: Soal UTS Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018. Soal uts semester 2 kelas 4 kurikulum 2013 tema 7 Soal UTS terdiri dari beberapa kompetensi dasar muatan mata pelajaran. Muatan materi ajar tematik itu adalah PPKn, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, Seni Budaya dan Prakarya, tergantung dari muatan pelajaran yang muncul di setiap tema. Mempercepat dan mempermudah pembuatan soal soal UTS semester 2 2017 baik untuk kurikulum KTSP maupun Kurikulum 2013, dibawah ini terdapat ling lengkap tentang kumpulan soal untuk kelas1,2,3,4,5,6 SD/MI.

  1. Soal Uts Bahasa Sunda Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
  2. Soal Uts Pkn Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
  3. Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2
Soal Uts Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Mount Tangkuban Perahuis one of tourism object in West Java. It situated at Lembang. It is atnorthern part of Bandung. A lot of people from various part of world come tosee it, because it has a history, it is a Sangkuriang legend.To arrive atmount Tangkuban Perahu, we have to drive up along the road of hilly area, wecan see a wide tea plantation. At the top, we can see beautiful scenery, andwe can see the hills with its green slopes. It has three craters whichcontinuously produced smoke.There arebungalows, and tourism object can be found easily there.

Such as Ciater hotwater and Maribaya water fall. To the BeachLast Sunday, Mr. Surip and hisstudents went to the beach. They went to Pangandaran beach, in Ciamis Regency.They went to Pangandaran by bus.

On the way they were happy. They sangtogether.In Pangandaran the sun wasshinning brightly. The wind was blowing gently.

The waves were running. Theyalways broke in the sand. Some students were swimming in the shallow water.Some children were playing football in the sand. Others were sitting on the matunder the trees shadow. Surip was sitting under the coconut tree. He waswatching his students. They enjoyed the beauty of the beach.

At the afternoon,they went home. The students looked tired, but they were happy.

Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text!Today is Friday. Aryo, Nita, Dewi, and Andi go to school very early. Today is their turn to clean the class.

Their teacher, Mr Rizal, also comes early.They are in the classroom now. Rizal orders Aryo to clean the tables and chairs. He also orders Andi to clean the pictures. Nita is askedto clean the blackboard. While Dewi is asked to sweep the floor.

They finish their work at 06.25 a.m. Students are ready to study.1. What day is it today?Answer: It is.2. Who have the turn to clean the class?Answer: They are.3.

What does Mr. Rizal ask Aryo to do?Answer: He asks him to.4. What does Mr.

Rizal order Andi to do?Answer: He orders him to.5. What time do they finish the job?Answer: They finish the job at.II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!Text for number 1 to 5Hello, l am Gunawan. L eat nutritious food and drink.

I get up at 04.45a.m. I have meals three times a day, breakfast in the moning, lunch at noon, and dinner in the evening. Go to bed at 09.00 p.m. I go jogging every Saturday and Sunday aftemoon also practise football on Monday and Friday afternoon. I want to be a football player someday.1. Gunawan has meals.

Kumpulan soal uts kelas 6 semester 2 kurikulum 2013

Times a daya. Gunawan has lunch at.a. A 'When does Gunawan go to bed?' B: 'He goes to bed at.' And Friday afternoon, Gunawan practises football.a. Gunawan wants to be a.

Player someday.a. BasketballDialogue for number 6 to 8Lina: 'Where is Nancy from?' Sinta: 'She is from England.' Lina::'Is England a republic?' Sinta: 'No, it is not.

It is a kingdom.Lina: 'Who leads a kingdom?' Sinta: 'A king does.' Nancy comes from.a.

England is a.a. Lead a kingdom?' B: 'Yes, he does.' A, governorb. KingText for number 9 to 12Aryo is a student. Today he is sick.

He does not go to school. His mother takes him to the doctor The doctor is Mr.

Adi, He examines Aryo. He says that Aryo has a fever.

He has to go to the hospital. The hospital is in the city. Arya's mother and Aryo go there by car. Aryo must stay in the hospital until he gets well. The doctors and the nurses are very patient9. A: What is Aryo?'

B: 'He is a.' A: 'Does Aryo go to school today?'

B: 'No, he.a. Today Aryo is sick.

He has a.a feverb. Aryo must stay in the.

Until he gets well.a. You want to turn off the lamp.You say.a. Should I turn off the lamp?b.

Would I tum off the lamp?c. Will I turn off the lamp?d. Could I turn off the lamp?14. This sandwich?

I am very hungry.a. There is a test.a. CleanText for number 16 to 20President, vice president, and some ministers work as a group, It is the central govenment.

The lower level under the central government is local government. The highest level of the local government is province. A governor leads a province.

A municipality is a level underprovince. A mayor leads a municipality.

There are regency, district, subdistrict and village under the municipality. Village is the lowest level of the local government. A village chief leads the village.16.

These are the members of the central government, except.a. Vice president17. The highest level of the local government is.a. A munlcipality is led by.a. Village chief19. The lower level of a regency is a.a. A village chief leads a.a.

Mother orders Elma to mop the floor.She says.a. Close the floor!b.

Sweep the floor!d. Clean the floor!b. Mop the floor!Dialogue for number 22 and 23Doni: 'What is your mother, Niko?' Niko: 'My mother is a doctor.' Doni: 'Where does she work?'

Soal Uts Bahasa Sunda Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Soal uts sbdp kelas 6 semester 2 kurikulum 2013

'Niko: 'She works at the hospital.22. A: 'What is Niko's mother?' B: 'She is a. Niko's mother works at the.a. To inject the patient, the doctor uses a.a.

The room is dark. The correct order is.a. Close the lamp!b.

Open the lamp!c. Turn on the lamp!d.

Turn off the lamp!26. Nita wants Wulan to pass the sugar.She says.a.

Would you mind passing the sugar, please?b. Throw the sugar!c. Open the sugar!d. Close the sugarl27.

Agung feels pain in his head. Your book!Do the exercise on page 10!a. The rainbow is so beautifula. My father forbids me to eat spicy food.He says.a. Eat spicy food!b. Didn't eat spicy foodc.

Don't eat spicy foodd. Doesn't eat spicy foodIII. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!1. Would you lend me your pen, please!2.

The floor is still weat3. Your sister play music too loud4. Don’t throw rubbish into the river5.

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia6. Tegal is located in Central Java7. A king leads a kingdom8. Arman gets a stomachache9.

Don’t turn left here!10. Don’t make noisy!Jika ingin mendownload soal, Di bawah ini linknya ⇩Kunci Jawaban Room I1. Aryo, Nita, Dewi, and Andi3.

Clean the tables and chairs4. Clean the pictures5. 06.25 a.mKunci Jawaban Room II1.

Would I tum off the lamp?14. Mop the floor!22. Turn on the lamp!26. Would you mind passing the sugar, please?27. Don't eat spicy foodKunci Jawaban Room III1. Maukah kamu meminjamiku pensilmu?2.

Soal Uts Pkn Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Lantai itu masih basah3. Kakakmu bermain musik terlalu keras4. Jangan membuang sampah di sungai5. Jakarta adalah ibu kota Indonesia6. Tegal terletak di Jawa Tengah7. Seorang raja memimpin sebuah kerajaan8. Pak Arman sakit perut9.

Jangan berbelok di sini!10. Jangan membuat gaduh!Note: Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018/2019 adalah konten yang disusun oleh Juragan Les dan dilindungi undang-undang hak cipta.

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2

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